WCRDE Accreditate Universities (Physical) and Universities (Online).
Apply For AccreditationWCRDE Accreditate all type of Colleges and Training Institutes etc.,
Apply For AccreditationWCRDE Accreditate all type of Schools, Training and Coaching Centers etc.,
Apply For Accreditation
Accreditation and Membership of WCRDE is available to Universities, educational institutions, educational authorities, and individuals engaged in education and teaching throughout the world.
Member of the WCRDE school, institution, university must be recognized and in good standing in its own country or region, and must accomplish its educational operations in regular and distance education. The school, institution, university must be prepared to provide documentary evidence of this at any time.
WCRDE main aim is to provide school, institution, university, individual & Faculty, publication accreditation and memebership.
Note: the unauthorized use of the WCRDE logo on websites or materials is strictly banned.
Accreditation and Membership approval in WCRDE is at the diplomacy of the WCRDE Supervisory Committee. WCRDE reserves the right to force out from membership without any reimburse in membership fee already paid.
Please read below :
Accreditation is a process of quality assurance and improvement, whereby a guidelines in an approved school, institution, university is critically appraised to verify that the school, institution, university or the guidelines continues to meet and/or exceed the Norms and Standards prescribed by regulator from time to time.
It is a kind of recognition which indicates that a guidelines or school, institution, university fulfills certain standards.
The purpose of the accreditation by WCRDE is to promote and recognize excellence in all tyoe education in schools, colleges and universities—at both the undergraduate and post graduate levels. school, institution, university, students, employers, and the public at large all benefit from the external verification of quality provided through the WCRDE accreditation and membership process. They also benefit from the process of continuous quality improvement that is encouraged by the WCRDE’s developmental approach to continue to be a global force for lifelong, open education quality standards and flexible and learning.
Through accreditation and membership, the following main purposes may be served:
support and advice to school, institution, university in the maintenance and enhancement of their quality of provision.
confidence and assurance on quality to various stakeholders including students.
assurance of the good standing of an school, institution, university to government departments and other interested bodies.
enabling a school, institution, university to state publicly that it has voluntarily accepted independent inspection and has satisfied all the requirements for satisfactory operation and maintenance of quality in education.
The purpose and impact of accreditation and membership goes far beyond quality assurance of a school, institution, university. Major impacts of accreditation and membership system are summarized below :