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The WCRDE International Education Awards would be awarded 10 categories of awards to (Individuals, Schools, Institutions (Colleges), Universities, Publications) the personalities that goes beyond and committed to outstanding new innovation, services, peace, management, accumulation of knowledge, leadership, and excellence in his/her field. The WCRDE International Education Awards main aim is to strengthen international education around the world and to promote educations rights..
Dr. Mohammed Seraj ANSARI, President International Nobel Peace Prize Recommendation Forum is with H.E. Vice President of IRAQ Mr. Jassim Mohammad Jaafar and Member of Parliament of IRAQ Mr. Karim Al Pasari in the General Assembly Meeting of IZSF in Tehran, IRAN on dated 15th to 17th December-2012. Dr. Mohammed Seraj ANSARI was the State Guest of Government of IRAN.
The WCRDE International Education Awards would be awarded 10 categories of awards to (Individuals, Schools, Institutions (Colleges), Universities, Publications) the personalities that goes beyond and committed to outstanding new innovation, services, peace, management, accumulation of knowledge, leadership, and excellence in his/her field. The WCRDE International Education Awards main aim is to strengthen international education around the world and to promote educations rights..
Dr. Mohammed Seraj ANSARI, President International Non-Olympic Committee-INOC & President of World Council For Regular and Diatnce Education-WCRDE was organised a function by Exclusive Commercial Global Partner of WCRDE in Lucknow, where several important guests attended.
The WCRDE International Education Awards would be awarded 10 categories of awards to (Individuals, Schools, Institutions (Colleges), Universities, Publications) the personalities that goes beyond and committed to outstanding new innovation, services, peace, management, accumulation of knowledge, leadership, and excellence in his/her field. The WCRDE International Education Awards main aim is to strengthen international education around the world and to promote educations rights..
Dr. Mohammed Seraj ANSARI, President International Non-Olympic Committee-INOC & President of World Council For Regular and Distance Education-WCRDE was attended in an educational function in Dubai, which was organised by Dubai and participated by several UAE nationals and specially Dr. BR Sethi (UAE Richest Industrialists) was also met with Dr. Mohammed Seraj ANSARI during the function and discuss many issued with him.
The WCRDE International Education Awards would be awarded 10 categories of awards to (Individuals, Schools, Institutions (Colleges), Universities, Publications) the personalities that goes beyond and committed to outstanding new innovation, services, peace, management, accumulation of knowledge, leadership, and excellence in his/her field. The WCRDE International Education Awards main aim is to strengthen international education around the world and to promote educations rights..
Dr. Mohammed Seraj ANSARI, President International Non-Olympic Committee-INOC & President of World Council For Regular and Distance Education-WCRDE was attended in an educational function in Dubai, which was organised by Dubai and participated by several UAE nationals and specially Dr. BR Sethi (UAE Richest Industrialists) was also met with Dr. Mohammed Seraj ANSARI during the function and discuss many issued with him.
The WCRDE International Education Awards would be awarded 10 categories of awards to (Individuals, Schools, Institutions (Colleges), Universities, Publications) the personalities that goes beyond and committed to outstanding new innovation, services, peace, management, accumulation of knowledge, leadership, and excellence in his/her field. The WCRDE International Education Awards main aim is to strengthen international education around the world and to promote educations rights..
Dr. Mohammed Seraj ANSARI, President International Non-Olympic Committee-INOC is with Former Vice President of IRAN Dr. Mohsen Mehralizadeh and Adviser to The H.E. President of IRAN Mr. Syed Gilani , H.E. Vice President of IRAQ Mr. Jassim Mohammad Jaafar and Member of Parliament of IRAQ Mr. Karim Al Pasari, Hon'ble Minister for Sports, Govt. of IRAN, H.E. Ambassador of IRAQ, Chief of Imam Khumaini Foundation and Many High Dignitaries of IRAN Government and Foreign Guests in the General Assembly Meeting of IZSF in Tehran, IRAN on dated 15th to 17th December-2012. Dr. Mohammed Seraj ANSARI was the Guest of Government of IRAN. — in Tehran, Iran.
The WCRDE International Education Awards would be awarded 10 categories of awards to (Individuals, Schools, Institutions (Colleges), Universities, Publications) the personalities that goes beyond and committed to outstanding new innovation, services, peace, management, accumulation of knowledge, leadership, and excellence in his/her field. The WCRDE International Education Awards main aim is to strengthen international education around the world and to promote educations rights..
Dr. Mohammed Seraj ANSARI, President International Non-Olympic Committee-INOC is with Former Vice President of IRAN Dr. Mohsen Mehralizadeh and Adviser to The H.E. President of IRAN Mr. Syed Gilani , H.E. Vice President of IRAQ Mr. Jassim Mohammad Jaafar and Member of Parliament of IRAQ Mr. Karim Al Pasari, Hon'ble Minister for Sports, Govt. of IRAN, H.E. Ambassador of IRAQ, Chief of Imam Khumaini Foundation and Many High Dignitaries of IRAN Government and Foreign Guests in the General Assembly Meeting of IZSF in Tehran, IRAN on dated 15th to 17th December-2012. Dr. Mohammed Seraj ANSARI was the Guest of Government of IRAN. — in Tehran, Iran.
The WCRDE International Education Awards would be awarded 10 categories of awards to (Individuals, Schools, Institutions (Colleges), Universities, Publications) the personalities that goes beyond and committed to outstanding new innovation, services, peace, management, accumulation of knowledge, leadership, and excellence in his/her field. The WCRDE International Education Awards main aim is to strengthen international education around the world and to promote educations rights..
Lucknow, India, Prof. Dr. Mohammed Seraj ANSARI Rector of International Non-Olympic University-INOU, Founder & President of International Non-olympic Committee-INOC has awarded "Golden European Award For Quality & Business Prestige-2016, by "WORLD BUSINESS ASSEMBLY, SPAIN. After preliminary research conducted by the World Business Assembly analytic centers, than WBA has chosen Prof.Dr. Mohammed Seraj ANSARI to receive the "Golden European Award for Quality and Business Prestige-2016" for outstanding business achievements by the "International Aristotle Committee".
The WCRDE International Education Awards would be awarded 10 categories of awards to (Individuals, Schools, Institutions (Colleges), Universities, Publications) the personalities that goes beyond and committed to outstanding new innovation, services, peace, management, accumulation of knowledge, leadership, and excellence in his/her field. The WCRDE International Education Awards main aim is to strengthen international education around the world and to promote educations rights..
Dr. Mohammed Seraj ANSARI, Secretary General-International Non-Olympic Committee & International member (Elected) -Amnesty International, London called on H.E Dr Sheikh Khalid bin Ali Al-Ghamidi, imam Haram shareef, Makkah, (Saudi Arabia) at the breakfast meet on 5 May at Hotel Taj, Lucknow. Hon’ble K Rahman Khan, Deputy Chairman Rajya Sabha, Parliament of India & Hon’ble Member of Parliament Mr. Zafar Ali Naqvi, delivered a letter from Hon’ble Mrs Sonia Gandhi ji to H.E. Dr Al Ghamidi to welcome him to India. — with K. Rahman Khan and Zafar Ali Naqvi at AT Taj Hotel, Lucknow, India.
The WCRDE International Education Awards would be awarded 10 categories of awards to (Individuals, Schools, Institutions (Colleges), Universities, Publications) the personalities that goes beyond and committed to outstanding new innovation, services, peace, management, accumulation of knowledge, leadership, and excellence in his/her field. The WCRDE International Education Awards main aim is to strengthen international education around the world and to promote educations rights..
The World Council for Regular and Distance Education (WCRDE) has been launched on dated, 05.08.2013 by Mr. K.Rahman Khan Hon'ble Minister For Minority Affairs, Government of India at hq office, in New Delhi, in presence of Prof. Dr.Mohammed Seraj ANSARI President of World Council for Regular and Distance Education (WCRDE) and Mr. Iqbal Hasan Senior Technical Director National Informatics Centre, Govt. of India, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, New Delhi.
The WCRDE International Education Awards would be awarded 10 categories of awards to (Individuals, Schools, Institutions (Colleges), Universities, Publications) the personalities that goes beyond and committed to outstanding new innovation, services, peace, management, accumulation of knowledge, leadership, and excellence in his/her field. The WCRDE International Education Awards main aim is to strengthen international education around the world and to promote educations rights..
Prof. Dr.Mohammed Seraj ANSARI President of World Council for Regular and Distance Education (WCRDE) and Mr. Iqbal Hasan Senior Technical Director National Informatics Centre, Govt. of India, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, New Delhi has expressed that WCRDE is going to be the first its of kind of Global Accrediting Agency for University, Colleges, Schools, Individual/Faculty and Publication to promote Global Education with high standard.