WCRDE Accreditate Universities (Physical) and Universities (Online).
Apply For AccreditationWCRDE Accreditate all type of Colleges and Training Institutes etc.,
Apply For AccreditationWCRDE Accreditate all type of Schools, Training and Coaching Centers etc.,
Apply For AccreditationThe World Council for Regular and Distance Education (WCRDE) is an internationally renowned accreditation and membership organization for Universities, Institutions/Colleges, Schools, Publications, Individuals/Faculty and the regular, open and distance education community, and is open to all schools, educational institutions/colleges, universities, educational authorities, individuals and pulications.
The organization mainly functions to develop education quality standards that aim at making the development of all educational sectors. The WCRDE is first internationally renowned accreditation and membership council for education community which intends to operate of international agency to introduce the WCRDE certification for education quality standards. The well-defined and objective of WCRDE's accreditation and membership brings independent information to both students and education professionals. Accreditation and membership through WCRDE will help students and parents make a more informed choice and will also help an Universities, Institutions/Colleges, Schools, Publications, Individuals/Faculty training provider or distance education provider demonstrate to the international student body that they are a high quality institution. Our international accreditation and membership allows students to gain a realistic and honest picture of what an institution is really like in terms of quality, resources, student support and ethics. The WCRDE has a partner status with International Nobel Peace Prize Recommendation Forum -INPPRF , and International Student Exchange Cards India Limited. WCRDE main aim is to promote quality education throughout the world and use of new idea and innovation. The WCRDE is supporting all Government Education systems, norms and regulations and code of ethics.