University (Physical/Online)

WCRDE Accreditate Universities (Physical) and Universities (Online).

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Institutes (Colleges)

WCRDE Accreditate all type of Colleges and Training Institutes etc.,

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WCRDE Accreditate all type of Schools, Training and Coaching Centers etc.,

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list of reputable college accreditation agencies

INPPRF and NBA Partnership

Global Awards Partnership INPPRF & NBA with WCRDE


Global Awards Partnership INPPRF & NBA with WCRDE

higher education accreditation agencies

WCRDE International Education Awards - In Collaboration with "International Nobel Peace Prize Recommendation Forum-INPPRF" and "National Brand Awards Committee - NBA". The World Council for Regular and Distance Education (WCRDE) has signed a MOU with INPPRF and NBA joinly that all category of Awards of WCRDE International Education Awards would be given each year to WCRDE Members in all ovre the World.

The INPPRF/NBA and WCRDE has (10) ten category of awards to identify, recognize, facilitate and issue certificate etc., to those who are eligible for these categories as WCRDE International Education Awards from Global Education Society. INPPRF website ClickHere and NBA Awards website ClickHere

WCRDE Global Accreditation & Collaboration

    Permanent Affiliation from INOC :

    international education certificaton bodies

    International Partnership & Membership from INPPRF :

    international education certificaton bodies


  • The World Council for Regular and Distance Education (WCRDE) is the non-profit international membership organization for the regular, open and distance. + Read more..

Mission WCRDE

  • Our mission is to promote Regular and Distance Education internationally and ready to take whatever measures that are necessary to this end. + Read more..

Membership criteria

  • Membership (WCRDE) is easily available to all Universities,educational institutions and educational authorities, and individuals Educational. + Read more..
WCRDE & INPPRF Global Partnership
international education accreditation bodies
WCRDE has a partner status with International Nobel Peace Prize Recommendation Forum-INPPRF main aim is to promote regular & distance education throughout the " world." Click Here
international education accreditation bodies
The World Council for Regular and Distance Education (WCRDE) is the Non-Profit renowned International Accreditation & Membership organization for the regular, open and distance. Click Here
Mission WCRDE
higher education accreditation bodies
Our mission is to promote Regular and Distance Education internationally (Higher & Secondary Education) and ready to take whatever measures that are necessary to this end. Click Here
WCRDE Accreditation & Membership Criteria
higher education accreditation bodies
Accreditation & Membership (WCRDE) is easily available to all Universities, Colleges, Schools, educational institutions and educational authorities, and individuals & Faculty. Click Here
high school accreditation agencies

university accreditation bodies

international accreditation agencies

business school accreditation bodies

nursing school accreditation bodies

high school accreditation bodies

international school accreditation agency