WCRDE Accreditate Universities (Physical) and Universities (Online).
Apply For AccreditationWCRDE Accreditate all type of Colleges and Training Institutes etc.,
Apply For AccreditationWCRDE Accreditate all type of Schools, Training and Coaching Centers etc.,
Apply For AccreditationThe process of accreditation of an Individual, Faculty involves a rigorous self evaluation in relation to the standards specified by the WCRDE, followed by an independent external peer review. In that external review a panel of experts are verified the report of the Individual, Faculty’s self evaluation (Self Study Report) and considered the quality of performance in relation to the WCRDE standards. The WCRDE is satisfied with the basic requirements as well as WCRDE's Education System Standards-ESS parameters was submmited by Individual, Faculty, on which basic the Individual, Faculty is granted Acrreditation from WCRDE as below ;
WCRDE Individual, Faculty Accreditation are grouped by country wise.
Dr.Franklin Marcia - Doctor/Professor
Dr.Lisa Casey - Professor
Dr. Deborah Rosa - Professor
Dr.Eve Block - Professor
Dr.Francis Rogalski - Professor
Dr.Denise Padanilam - Professor
Dr.Kenneth S Weiss - Professor
NOTICE : The Expiry of WCRDE Accreditation & Membership to Universities, Institutions/Colleges, Schools, Publications/Media, Faculty/Lecturers are required to remove WCRDE certificate and related promotional articles from their websites, and any other form of promotions are illegal, member must remove certificate and related promotional articles from every-where, otherwise, Accredited & Member is liable to face legal action as well as liable to pay Accreditation & Membership Fees from the period of renewal to till dates, the certificate and related articles are displayed, This will be cleared violation of trademark and Accreditation and Membership of WCRDE too, and member is liable to face legal action against them.