WCRDE Accreditate Universities (Physical) and Universities (Online).
Apply For AccreditationWCRDE Accreditate all type of Colleges and Training Institutes etc.,
Apply For AccreditationWCRDE Accreditate all type of Schools, Training and Coaching Centers etc.,
Apply For AccreditationThere is a Two Category of Agency Memberships : A- Certification Agency, B- Certification Body .
Become a QES 9000 licensed Certification Agency Membership CAM in your Country.
Certification Agencies Membership that wish to become licensed to oversee QES 9000 audits and certifications / Referrals must meet the following requirements.
The CAM must be a registered company, partnership, proprietorship or invidiviual, who has office, and marketing staffs. The CAM shall also have agreed with the regulation for accreditation as defined in the QES 9000 scheme. An up-to-date list of these Accreditation Agencies Membership can be found here Click Here.
Would you like to discuss how to become a QES 9000 Licensed Certification Agency? Please contact us via [email protected]
Application procedure
To apply for a provisional QES 9000 license the following documents have to be provided to the WCRDE, HQ, India :
A completely filled out and signed CAM Agreement
A copy of a valid Certification of Incorporation, Memorandum of Association (MOA) of the company, partnership, proprietorship and GST/VAT valid copy etc., for Individual can send CV/Resume, professional expertise, national id, driving licence etc., clearly mentioning the categories of business status
A letter of reqeust (LOI) which describe all his/her details for looking Certification Agency Memmbership etc.,
The application with all required documents can be sent to the Foundation via [email protected].
When all documents are found to be accurate and complete, the Agreement will be signed by the WCRDE. This grants the CAM a provisional license for one year in which accreditation against QES 9000 has to be gained. The provisional period starts as soon as both parties have signed the Agreement. With that an application fee will be invoiced. As soon as the Agreement is signed by both parties, the CAM may start is certification activities against QES 9000. Without a license it is not permitted to issue any QES 9000 certificates.
Become a QES 9000 licensed Certification Body CB in your Country.
Certification Bodies/Certification Agencies Membership that wish to become licensed to oversee QES 9000 audits and certifications / Referrals must meet the following two requirements.
1. The CB/CAM is accredited by any accreditation Body (AB) which has a membership of IAF and is signatory to the IAF MLA for Management system certification. 2. The AB shall also have agreed with the regulation for accreditation as defined in the QES 9000 scheme. An up-to-date list of these Accreditation Bodies/ Accreditation Agencies Membership can be found here Click Here.
The Certification Body/Certification Agency CB/CAM holds a valid accreditation against QES 9000 for the required edcuation chain categories.
Would you like to discuss how to become a QES 9000 Licensed Certification Body/Certification Agency? Please contact us via [email protected]
Application procedure
To apply for a provisional QES 9000 license the following documents have to be provided to the Foundation:
A completely filled out and signed CB/CAM Agreement
A copy of a valid ISO 22003 accredited certificate, clearly mentioning the categories of accreditation
A confirmation from the AB that the CB/CAM has applied for accreditation against QES 9000 and for which categories
The application with all required documents can be sent to the Foundation via [email protected].
When all documents are found to be accurate and complete, the Agreement will be signed by the Foundation. This grants the CB/CAM a provisional license for one year in which accreditation against QES 9000 has to be gained. The provisional period starts as soon as both parties have signed the Agreement. With that an application fee will be invoiced. As soon as the Agreement is signed by both parties, the CB/CAM may start is certification activities against QES 9000. Without a license it is not permitted to issue any QES 9000 certificates.